Can Video Games Improve Vision?

By Dr. Russel Lazarus

According to new research, playing specific video games can improve your eyesight.

For a study conducted by researcher Daphne Maurer of McMaster University in Canada, games like Halo and Medal of Honor were played to see if video games can improve your eyesight.

Another study, published in the peer-reviewed medical journal Nature Neuroscience, found claims that playing action games improves a person’s night vision.

The capacity to see objects in twilight circumstances, when colors fade into distinct shades of grey, was found to be greatly improved by games involving aiming and firing.

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The goal of the study was to see if eyesight can improve by playing visually stimulating video games. 

When we play video games, our bodies produce more adrenaline and dopamine, which leads to increased brain activity. That, in turn, may improve visual acuity.

During the study, six patients with low vision from significant cataracts were instructed to play 40 hours of video games over the course of a month.

These specific games were chosen because they require the player to focus on fast action and moving items that dart across the screen swiftly.


  1. Improved vision for 5 of the 6 patients
  2. 30% improvement in contrast sensitivity

Contrast sensitivity aids in the ability to recognize faces, read small print, and track moving objects.


This small study revealed that regular players of action games had better contrast sensitivity than non-gamers, suggesting that video games can boost this skill.

Research suggests that video games may be a useful tool to improve vision for those with contrast sensitivity problems.

What is contrast sensitivity?

Contrast sensitivity is an important measure of visual function, especially in low-light, foggy, or glare settings, when the contrast between objects and their surroundings is often reduced.

Driving at night, for example, necessitates a high level of contrast sensitivity for safety.

Even if you have 20/20 vision, certain eye or health disorders can reduce contrast sensitivity and make you feel as if you are not seeing well.

LEARN MORE:  Guide to Eye Health 

Contact an eye doctor near you to discuss ways to improve your vision.