Vision Therapy

Vision Therapy for Autism: Success Stories

by Russ Lazarus August 15, 2020

Personal stories of children with autism who completed vision therapy for underlying vision problems.  *Names have been changed for privacy protection. Click here for a

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Can Adults Have Convergence Insufficiency?

by Russ Lazarus August 9, 2020

Convergence insufficiency (CI) is a common vision condition that affects up to 17 percent of children and adults.  While CI is generally diagnosed in children

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Double Vision (Diplopia)

by Russ Lazarus August 7, 2020

Each year, approximately 850,000 visits to the doctor and emergency room are associated with double vision.  Double vision, medically termed diplopia, can be very worrisome.

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Strabismus Surgery

by Russ Lazarus August 7, 2020

What is strabismus surgery? Strabismus, also known as “crossed-eyes” occurs when the two eyes are unable to achieve proper alignment to focus on an object.

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How Is Convergence Insufficiency Diagnosed?

by Russ Lazarus July 29, 2020

Do you often lose your place while reading? Do words on the computer screen seem blurry? Do you suffer from frequent headaches or eye discomfort

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Can Glasses or Eye Patches Treat Convergence Insufficiency?

by Russ Lazarus July 27, 2020

If you have been diagnosed with convergence insufficiency (CI), or are experiencing symptoms of CI, you may be wondering how CI is treated. Any type

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Do I Have Convergence Insufficiency?

by Russ Lazarus July 26, 2020

Wondering if convergence insufficiency (CI) is impacting your school or work performance?  Take this quick quiz to find out. People with CI often experience blurry

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7 Signs Your Child Might Have a Lazy Eye

by Russ Lazarus July 16, 2020

Do you know the signs to look for to identify lazy eye in your child? A lazy eye is generally difficult to recognize because it usually develops in only one eye, without a noticeable eye turn. It is important to be aware of the signs that may indicate a lazy eye, since in most cases, the condition is not recognized easily – though it can significantly affect a child’s quality of life.

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Dyslexia FAQs

by Russ Lazarus July 15, 2020

Q: What is dyslexia? A: Dyslexia is a complex condition that impacts the way the brain processes and interprets information. It is one of the

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Convergence Insufficiency FAQs

by Russ Lazarus July 15, 2020

Q1: What is convergence insufficiency (CI)? A: Convergence insufficiency is a highly treatable binocular vision condition that affects near vision and eye muscle coordination. Convergence

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Vision and Learning Difficulties FAQs

by Russ Lazarus July 15, 2020

These are the ten most frequent questions asked to vision therapy eye doctors.
You may easily find answers to your questions. If you still have questions, contact your nearest eye doctor experienced in children’s vision and vision therapy.

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Vision for Basketball 

by Russ Lazarus July 13, 2020

Many have dreamed of netting a 3 pointer the way Stephen Curry can— but did you know that strong visual skills are needed to land

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 Vision for Football

by Russ Lazarus July 13, 2020

Did you know that Larry Fitzgerald, 11 times pro-bowl receiver of the Arizona Cardinals, attributes his success to vision therapy? Football is a sport in

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Vision for Ice Hockey

by Russ Lazarus July 12, 2020

Your visual skills can affect your ice hockey performance. Wayne Gretzky, known as the “The Great One”, is the leading scorer in NHL history, with

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Vision for Soccer

by Russ Lazarus July 12, 2020

Soccer skills are dependent on your physical stamina, legs and feet … and also your eyes. Soccer is played in over 200 countries, making it

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Vision for Tennis

by Russ Lazarus July 12, 2020

Tennis players need speed, endurance, flexibility, and agility to be successful in the game. Did you know that tennis players also need excellent visual skills?

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Vision for Golf

by Russ Lazarus July 12, 2020

Strong visual skills are vital for optimal golf performance— from seeing your target, reading a putt, and even visualizing your swing? Your ability to play

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Vision for Baseball

by Russ Lazarus July 9, 2020

If you think that hitting that 100 mile per hour fastball out of the park is all about athletic genes or natural abilities, what you

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Does Dyslexia Affect Adults?

by Russ Lazarus June 23, 2020

Recent data shows that 1 in 10 adults have dyslexia and adults with dyslexia typically experience many challenges in the workplace and many adults also have low self esteem as a result of their dyslexia. Vision therapy has been shown to lead to improved reading, writing, and spelling. Vision therapy could be the solution you have been lookin for.

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What is Sports Vision?

by Russ Lazarus June 21, 2020

Do you feel like your sports performance does not measure up to your athletic ability? You may be suffering from a vision problem, a vision problem may actually be causing the difficulty you are experiencing while participating in sports activities.

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Digital Eye Strain

by Russ Lazarus June 18, 2020

Digital eye strain (DES), also known as computer vision syndrome (CVS) affects over 50 percent of people, including both children and adults. Symptoms fall into two main categories: those linked to accommodative or binocular vision stress, and external symptoms linked to dry eye.

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What is Myopia Management?

by Russ Lazarus June 7, 2020

Myopia management has shown to decrease myopia progression by up to 78%. Myopia management is a treatment program to keep the level of myopia as low as possible, and reduce your risk of developing a serious sight-threatening eye disease. Myopia management can involve the use of eyeglasses, contact lenses, and eye drops— all scientifically proven to aid in the control of myopia progression.

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Vision Therapy for Adults

by Russ Lazarus June 1, 2020

Vision therapy is a proven and effective solution for adults as well as children.
Do you feel like your work performance is impacted by headaches or eye strain?
Are you finding it stressful to meet deadlines? 
Vision therapy is a remarkably effective program that improves vision skills to achieve more comfortable vision for reading and computer use – enhancing your workplace productivity.

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Optical and Contact Lenses

by Russ Lazarus June 1, 2020

Buying your new pair of eyeglasses can be fun. The quality and range of lenses are always increasing. Considering contact lenses or laser surgery?

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Exophoria and Esophoria

by Russ Lazarus May 20, 2020

Has your child been diagnosed with exophoria or esophoria? Both of these may appear as an eye turn, and can be successfully treated with eyeglasses and/or vision therapy.

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Hypertropia or Hyperphoria?

by Russ Lazarus May 20, 2020

Hypertropia and hyperphoria are when the eyes are misaligned – one pointing higher than the other. Both these forms of eye turn can be well managed by optical lenses and vision therapy, often avoiding eye surgery.

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Vision Therapy FAQs

by Russ Lazarus May 13, 2020

We are sure you have many questions, these FAQs are the most frequently questions asked by patients and parents to vision therapy eye doctors.
Find answers to your questions quickly and easily.

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A Guide to Children’s Eye Diseases

by Russ Lazarus May 12, 2020

As your child grows older, annual exams are crucial to ensure that their eyes continue to develop normally, and to detect any changes in vision or ocular health. Importantly: vision screenings conducted by schools are not a substitute for a comprehensive eye exam – ocular diseases and many vision problems cannot be identified through a screening.

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Vision Therapy for Children

by Russ Lazarus May 12, 2020

Are your child’s school grades not a true reflection of their potential? Has your child been told they have a learning or attention difficulties?
The problem could be with their eyes or visual skills and vision therapy might the solution you have been looking for.

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Multifocal Designs for Children

by Russ Lazarus May 5, 2020

Your eye doctor may have prescribed multifocal lenses for your child, but are multifocals only for adults? Multifocal lenses are generally prescribed for adults who have blurry near vision, and complain of reading difficulties due to lack of vision clarity, however eye doctors are also prescribing these lenses for children.

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What Are ‘Low Plus’ Lenses?

by Russ Lazarus May 3, 2020

Why did your eye doctor prescribe ‘low plus’ lenses for your child? Low plus lenses, like their name suggests, have relatively low lens powers usually +0.50, +0.75 or +1.00. These powers are considered ‘low’, but may have a considerable benefit for your child’s reading and school grades.

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Convergence Insufficiency

by Russ Lazarus April 22, 2020

Convergence Insufficiency (CI) impacts the lives of up to 15% of all students. This is a highly treatable binocular vision condition that affects near vision and eye muscle coordination.
Children with CI can be mislabeled as ‘lazy’, ‘clumsy’, ‘poor students’ and ‘anxious’, or even misdiagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia.

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Essential Vision Skills for College Students

by Russ Lazarus April 19, 2020

Strong visual skills are essential for academic success in college

College students have significantly high demands on their visual systems— and the integrity of their visual skills are critical for their success in their studies. Colleges and universities are known for their large lecture halls and seemingly endless amount of requirements. The great amount of studies that are involved in fulfilling these requirements lead to many hours of reading textbooks, studying, and using computers – all requiring excellent visual skills.

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Fragile X Syndrome

by Russ Lazarus April 14, 2020

Over half of the Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) population suffer from visual problems – most commonly eye turns, lazy eye and poor eye muscle control. FXS is the second most common chromosomal-based developmental condition after Down Syndrome and is estimated to occur in over 1 in 10,000 children.

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Vision and Vestibular Dysfunction

by Russ Lazarus April 13, 2020

Do you often experience dizziness or feel as though the world is spinning around you (vertigo)?
Do you experience motion sickness, or a persistent sense of unsteadiness or imbalance? You may have an inner ear disturbance called Vestibular Dysfunction. The good news is that these symptoms can be significantly reduced with vision therapy, allowing you to regain your quality of life.

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Vision and Sensory Processing Disorder 

by Russ Lazarus April 13, 2020

Have you been told your child has a sensory processing disorder (SPD)? Sensory processing disorders (SPD) can be life-changing, but many eye doctors can now offer you a range of options to best manage your child and allow them to maximize their engagement with the world.

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Vision and Non-Verbal Learning Disorder (NVLD)

by Russ Lazarus April 13, 2020

Guide to Non-Verbal Learning Disorder (NVLD). NVLD can significantly impact a child’s life, however many eye doctors can provide the solution you have looking for.

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Vision Problems from a Brain Injury

by Russ Lazarus April 13, 2020

Can a brain injury cause vision problems? Yes, any traumatic brain injury (TBI) can have significant visual consequences. During the initial treatment of a concussion or other traumatic brain injury (TBI), visual problems are often overlooked. Frequently, visual problems are hidden or neglected— lengthening and impacting rehabilitation.

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Vision and Gifted Learning Difficulty

by Russ Lazarus April 12, 2020

Have you been told your child has Gifted Learning Difficulty (GLD)? GLD can be a mystery— how can a child be gifted intellectually, yet still experience learning difficulties? The answer often lies in the diagnosis of a vision problem, most commonly caused by poor visual skills.

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Vision Therapy Quiz

by Russ Lazarus April 12, 2020

Could a vision problem be impacting your child’s school performance?

Take a quick quiz to find out.

Take a quick quiz to see if your child could benefit with vision therapy. If your child is not performing to their academic potential, they may be suffering from a vision problem.  According to experts, up to 50 percent of children with learning difficulties have a vision disorder that is impacting their ability to learn.

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Convergence Insufficiency and ADHD

by Russ Lazarus April 12, 2020

This page provides just two of the many research papers that link Convergence Insufficiency (CI) with ADHD. 1. The Relationship Between Convergence Insufficiency and ADHD

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Lazy Eye: Success Stories

by Russ Lazarus April 12, 2020

Read some real-life stories from patients who have successfully completed vision therapy for lazy eye. *Names have been changed for protection of privacy.

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Vision Therapy for TBI Related Vision Conditions

by Russ Lazarus April 12, 2020

How does a TBI affect vision? Vision is the most important source of sensory information. Consisting of a sophisticated complex of subsystems, the visual process

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Common Vision Problems Associated With a Brain Injury 

by Russ Lazarus April 12, 2020

Over 10 million traumatic brain injuries (TBI) occur annually, worldwide. Approximately 2.8 million, close to 1 in 100, Americans suffer a form of TBI every

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Vision Therapy for Traumatic Brain Injuries: Success Stories

by Russ Lazarus April 12, 2020

Below are stories from children and adults who have suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and their experiences with Vision Therapy. *Names have been altered

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Post Trauma Vision Syndrome

by Russ Lazarus April 12, 2020

A Guide to Post Trauma Vision Syndrome Author: Dr. Allen Cohen OD, FCOVD Dr. Cohen is currently Clinical Professor of Optometry, SUNY State College of

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Vision, Dizziness and Imbalance 

by Russ Lazarus April 12, 2020

Many people experience dizziness or balance issues following a mild concussion or other traumatic brain injury (TBI). Dizziness or imbalance can be caused by a

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Vision and Brain Injuries

by Russ Lazarus April 12, 2020

Can the eyes and visual system be affected by a brain injury? Yes, Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can result in significant vision problems, unfortunately these often remain undiagnosed for years, dramatically impacting the quality of life.

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5 Essential Facts About Traumatic Brain Injuries

by Russ Lazarus April 12, 2020

Have you suffered a brain injury? Here are 5 facts that are essential to know: A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an injury to the

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How Does a Traumatic Brain Injury Cause Vision Problems?

by Russ Lazarus April 12, 2020

Brain injuries can lead to vision problems, especially in children.  We often think of a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) affecting adults, however consider these facts:

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NAACP: Vision and Learning Statement

by Russ Lazarus April 7, 2020

NAACP Passes Resolution on Vision, Learning, and High-Risk Populations at its 100th Anniversary National Convention, New York, NY 2009 PR Newswire, September 29, 2009 Charles

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What Is ADHD?

by Russ Lazarus April 7, 2020

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common behavioral disorders among children. ADHD behaviors generally interfere with academic and social success and cause many difficult challenges. Over four million American children – up to 11 percent of school age students – are diagnosed with ADHD.

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Eye Conditions That Cause Strabismus

by Russ Lazarus April 7, 2020

Many common eye conditions can lead to an eye turn. Eye turns affect over 3 people in 100 and can be successfully treated by eye doctors, often without needing complex eye surgery.

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A Teacher’s Guide to Vision

by Russ Lazarus April 7, 2020

As an educator, it may surprise you to discover that many students that show signs of a learning difficulty actually have an undetected vision problem. Teachers play a vital role in the future success of their students and are the most qualified professionals to notice any learning problems in the classroom. “It is estimated that more than ten million school age children suffer from vision problems that may cause them learning difficulties in school.” (National PTA)

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Strabismus FAQs

by Russ Lazarus April 7, 2020

Q: Is strabismus surgery the only treatment option for an eye turn? A: No. Strabismus treatment options depend on the type of strabismus— direction of

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My Lazy Eye Was Misdiagnosed

by Russ Lazarus April 7, 2020

“Thanks to Vision Therapy, I Gained 3D Vision!”. A Personal Story by Rachel Cooper, Past Director of the Optometrists Network.

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Parent’s Checklist to Identify a Vision Problem

by Russ Lazarus April 7, 2020

Is a vision problem impacting your child’s academic success or athletic performance?
Did you know that vision problems affect up to 25 in every 100 children – that’s at least six students in every class.
This checklist can be a useful tool for you to understand all of the behavioral and physical symptoms that your child is experiencing, and may help to facilitate the identification of a vision problem.

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How Does Vision Affect Learning?

by Russ Lazarus April 7, 2020

Since up to 80% of everything a child learns is derived through the visual pathways and their eyes, if there is any interference in their vision, a child may not develop to their maximum potential. There are 17 visual skills that are essential for learning.

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Harvard Statement: Vision and Literacy

by Russ Lazarus April 7, 2020

‘Vision and Literacy: An Educational Problem that can be Solved’ Published by the Harvard Graduate School of Education (2001) On Tuesday, April 4, 2001, a

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Vision Therapy for Convergence Insufficiency: Success Stories

by Russ Lazarus April 6, 2020

Real-life stories from parents of children who have successfully completed a vision therapy program for the treatment of Convergence Insufficiency. *Names of the children and

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Effective Treatment for Convergence Insufficiency

by Russ Lazarus April 6, 2020

Clinical research study shows the effectiveness of vision therapy for the treatment of Convergence insufficiency (CI). Convergence is an essential visual skill for success in

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Vision Therapy: Evidence-Based Research

by Russ Lazarus April 6, 2020

Vision therapy is an evidence-based treatment modality. Do you want to see a list of references for published research articles on vision therapy and its effectiveness? Some of the references are available as links to original published research or complete articles in PDF format.

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Vision and Learning Difficulties

by Russ Lazarus April 6, 2020

Approximately 80 percent of all learning comes through the visual pathways. Any interference in the visual pathways can inhibit a child from performing to their maximum potential. According to the American Optometric Association (AOA) 25% of all children, or 1 in 4 students, have a vision problem significant enough to impact their learning.

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Should I See an Optometrist or Ophthalmologist?

by Russ Lazarus April 5, 2020

Your eye care team Ophthalmologists, optometrists and opticians are the three main professionals included on the ‘eye care team’. While each profession plays an important

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Vision and Down Syndrome 

by Russ Lazarus March 30, 2020

The frequency of Down Syndrome (DS) is approximately 1 in every 800 births, with an increased frequency among older mothers. With the specialized improvements in the quality of eye care individuals with DS can live a more productive, longer life. Individuals with Down Syndrome (DS) are at a higher risk for a range of vision conditions that may affect the development of their visual skills.

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Vision and Special Needs

by Russ Lazarus March 29, 2020

If you are a parent of a special needs child, then by now you have realized that nothing fully prepares you for this unique journey. Public school data in the USA now shows that up to 14 percent of all public school students ages 3 to 21 receive special education services.

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What Is Lazy Eye?

by Russ Lazarus March 28, 2020

According to research, amblyopia affects up to 1 in 33 of the population— this means up to 10 million people in the U.S. may have a lazy eye. Amblyopia, commonly known as a “lazy eye”, is a neuro-developmental vision condition that begins in early childhood and develops when one eye is unable to achieve normal visual acuity, causing blurry vision in the affected eye, even with corrective eyewear.  The condition also commonly presents with poor depth perception, and reading difficulties.

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Does My Child Have Dyslexia?

by Russ Lazarus March 26, 2020

Has your child been diagnosed with Dyslexia? Since up to 80 percent of learning in school is acquired through vision, a child diagnosed with dyslexia may actually have an undiagnosed vision problem, causing difficulties with their academic performance.

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How Is Lazy Eye Treated?

by Russ Lazarus March 26, 2020

A variety of treatment options have been shown to treat lazy eye – the aim is to strengthen the eye-brain connections necessary for binocular vision. Traditionally, it has been thought that lazy eye treatment should begin before a child reaches around eight years old, however recent research shows that even after this age, lazy eye can be successfully treated. That being said, the earlier the condition is diagnosed, the better the treatment outcome will be.

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What Is Exotropia?

by Russ Lazarus March 26, 2020

Exotropia is a common form of strabismus characterized by an outward eye turn, away from the nose. Exotropia is a eye turn where one eye points outwards, this may be noticed while the child is looking at distance objects, near objects or both.

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What Is Esotropia?

by Russ Lazarus March 26, 2020

Esotropia is a form of strabismus (crossed-eyes) that is caused by an inward turn of the eye, toward the nose. This condition can be constant or intermittent and cause an individual to appear ‘cross-eyed’.

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What Is Vision Therapy?

by Russ Lazarus March 26, 2020

Vision therapy is a fully customized and personalized treatment program designed to improve and strengthen visual skills, and re-train the child’s visual system to interpret visual input with increased accuracy and ease.

Vision therapy is more than just simple eye exercises — it improves brain-eye communication, and the effective operation of the child’s visual system.
The aim of vision therapy is to enhance the visual skills — eye-tracking, focusing, convergence, eye-hand coordination, visual processing speed and more!

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The 17 Key Visual Skills

by Russ Lazarus March 19, 2020

There are 17 essential visual skills for success in reading, writing, sports, and practically all of a student’s school activities. Vision therapy can help to strengthen the visual skills – and may be just be the solution you have been searching for. 

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Digital Eye Strain: Myths and Facts

by Russ Lazarus March 19, 2020

Digital eye strain (DES), also known as computer vision syndrome (CVS) affects over 50 percent of people, including both children and adults.  In recent years,

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ADHD and Vision: Recent Research

by Russ Lazarus March 19, 2020

Recent research has shown that ADHD behaviors may actually be a result of vision problems. If your child is fidgety, hyperactive, or distressed by his schoolwork, you may think that a diagnosis of ADHD is obvious. In the last 15 years, many clinical trials have been published and show that many vision problems can affect your child in the same way as an attention deficit disorder. Vision problems can be effectively treated, often without medications.

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Eye Exams for Children

by Russ Lazarus March 11, 2020

Eye doctors utilize specific clinical and diagnostic tools and assessments to determine your child’s eye health and visual abilities. Since many learning skills are dependent on the strength of visual skills such as binocular vision, accurate eye movements, the ability to see distant objects, etc., doctors recommend that children have their first eye exam at age 6 months.

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Vision and Autism (ASD)

by Russ Lazarus March 11, 2020

Visual problems can have a large impact on the life of a child with austism (ASD). Vision problems are common in children with ASD, but unfortunately these often go undiagnosed.

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Does ADHD Cause Social Problems?

by Russ Lazarus March 11, 2020

Sometimes children with ADHD don’t fully understand what is expected of them in social situations. Children with ADHD usually encounter many obstacles in school, finding it difficult to succeed in their studies. Many children with ADHD face difficulties in reading or math, organization, focus, as well as their attention challenges.

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Can Vision Problems be Misdiagnosed as ADHD?

by Russ Lazarus March 8, 2020

While many children with ADHD have 20/20 vision, they may still suffer from vision problems that affect their ability to learn. Functional vision difficulties can produce similar symptoms to those found in ADHD. These visual problems can lead to skipping lines, confusing words and word-order, etc. – making it impossible for the child to read accurately and efficiently.

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ADHD and Vision: Success Stories

by Russ Lazarus March 8, 2020

Real life stories from parents of children diagnosed with ADHD – when a vision problem was an underlying issue and was successfully managed with a personalized program of vision therapy. *Names have been changed for privacy protection.

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