Visual Figure Ground

By Dr. Russel Lazarus

Does your child struggle with copying words from the board? Or have difficulty finding important words in a text?

It could be a visual figure-ground perception problem.

Figure-ground perception is a key component of visual processing that allows children to understand what they see.

This is an important brain function that affects everything from learning to read to solving puzzles.

Schedule an evaluation with a vision therapy eye doctor who can help improve any visual problems your child may have.

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What is visual figure ground?

Figure-ground perception is the ability to filter out irrelevant visual information so that you can concentrate on what matters.

This enables a child to locate precise visual information in the midst of a cluttered context. For example, we use figure-ground perception when reading a flyer on a busy bulletin board.

Signs of poor visual-ground perception

Your child might have trouble with figure-ground perception if they exhibit the following visual processing symptoms:

  • Trouble concentrating on books with small print and/or many words on a page
  • Trouble copying notes from the board
  • Struggles with Hidden Pictures and I Spy games
  • Trouble picking out details in images or words
  • Trouble scanning for information in text

If you suspect a problem in your child’s vision, contact an eye doctor near you, to have your child’s vision evaluated.

How vision therapy can help

Vision therapy can improve visual figure-ground skills through eye exercises that help retrain the eyes and brain to work together. These exercises will not only improve a child’s visual figure-ground perception.

Vision Therapy will also help them improve the literacy skills so that learning doesn’t have to be a struggle.

LEARN MORE: Guide to Vision and Learning Difficulties

Schedule an eye exam with an eye doctor near you who can diagnose and treat any vision problems your child may have.